
Go Groomer Go

G4 Groomer


Width: 4 1/2 Feet
Length: 83 Inches
Weight: 230 lbs 

G7 Groomer


Width: 7 Feet
Length: 83 Inches
Weight: 250 lbs 

G9 Groomer


Width: 9 Feet
Lenght: 83 Inches
Weight: 270 lbs 


One of 2 optional
locations for
Spring Tine Bar 


One G30 Inline Safety Magnet mounted on front brush channel during grooming (more than one Inline Safety Magnet can be used while grooming) 


 Every Synthetic Surface 
deserves a
 Go Groomer Go 

Inline Safety Magnet

Even the best maintained synthetic fields have potential dangers from unwanted foreign debris hidden within the surface infill.  While the Go Groomer Go properly grooms a synthetic turf field, the Inline Safety Magnet goes the extra step to insure that hidden dangers, which are unseen by the naked eye, are properly removed.  Best of all, the Inline Safety Magnet is compatible with all 3 Go Groomer Go models and can be used while simultaneously grooming a synthetic field.

With the Inline Safety Magnet, risk management is drasticly lowered by improving the safety of the playing surface for those who utilize the synthetic turf facility. 


Debris picked up by the
Inline Safety Magnet
on a high school's 
multipurpose synthetic field 


Debris picked up by the
Inline Safety Magnet
on a university's
soccer stadium field 


Debris is easily and safely
removed from the
G30 Inline Safety Magnet 
